Colors for SuiteCRM


Colors for SuiteCRM helps you to create and maintain a unique color code of your customer data so that it is easy to identify the records matching the criteria with highlighted color. What is unique about this ‘Colors for SuiteCRM’ addon is that it allows you to configure colors at field level and at a sub-panel level too within a module.

SKU: suitecrm-colors Category: Tags: , , ,


Colors for SuiteCRM helps you to create and maintain a unique color code of your customer data so that it is easy to identify the records matching the criteria with highlighted color. What is unique about this addon is that it allows you to configure colors on the List view, Home page dashlets,  and at a sub-panel level too within a module.

Colors List view
List view
Colors - Home page Dashlet
Colors – Home page Dashlet
Colors - Subpanel view
Subpanel view

Benefits of the Colors add-on:

  • Ability to identify records of matching criteria and perform quicker actions on them
  • Reduces the time of searching for particular records/conditions

What does the Colors add-on do?

  • Add-on applies the color code [Background, Text, and Link color] on the List view, Home page dashlets, and Subpanel (Detail view)
  • Option to add own rules and color code
  • Option to add multiple conditions for a rule.
  • Option to add multiple rules for the same module. Example: Email Opt-out is checked AND/OR Status is Converted 
  • Supports all the custom modules


SuiteCRM administrator can configure the Colors easily using the following steps.

Colors - Configurations
Colors – Configurations
  1. Give an appropriate name for the newly created Colour Configuration.
  2. Choose the module for which you need to configure the color.
  3. If you want to change the color of the subpanel, check the “For Subpanel?” checkbox. It will show a dropdown that contains a related module list.
  4. If you want to in-active the configuration, uncheck the “Active?” checkbox.
  5. You can choose the background, text, and link color from the “Color Configuration” block.
  6. In conditions, you can able to add single/multiple conditions like “Status is Converted OR/AND Country is the USA”.



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